A foul-mouthed grandmother has slammed the stockpilers who are selfishly clearing up shelves amid coronavirus panic buying.
The grandmother can be seen calling the stockpilers ‘greedy f***ers’ and the stores greedy b******s for letting these hoarders buy in bulk.
A video of the foul-mouthed grandma was posted on Twitter who blasted the stockpilers like no one else and left everyone in stitches.
The grandma says in the video: “No what a bad state of affairs we are in? I can’t believe what is f***ing happening. Now, anyone going out now can’t get a mask, of course you can’t because all you greedy f***ers doubled up on them so, if I go out, which I won’t, I’ve got to go out… [waves a scarf across her face] like that.”
She said she saw a picture of an elderly lady who was looking at empty shelves and couldn’t buy basic items as greedy stockpilers had cleared up the shelves.
Elderly and vulnerable people can’t go out often to buy things and when they do, they find the empty shelves.
She said: “Now, we see a picture on the internet last night of an elderly lady facing empty shelves. She could not buy a f***ing thing. Now, give a thought to the elderly and all those that can’t get out.”
“I come from a war and don’t remember anything like this. Stuff was rationed but we all got our share.”
She asked why don’t people normally buy the toilet rolls and why the stores are allowing people to buy in bulk instead of letting people have one per customer.
She concluded: “Now, everybody’s going mad, buying all the f***ing toilet rolls up. Why? Don’t you normally buy them? The stores should only be letting people have one per customer. No, but the stores are greedy b******s and they’re not.”
“Now, all start crying within the next week or so when the toilet [roll] prices f***ing double. Well, we’ll see about that. You’ll all be using newspaper like we did in the war.”
Her video instantly went viral online and people said they couldn’t agree more.
The grandma was branded ‘fantastic’ and ‘amazing’ after her video was posted online.
The video has already been viewed by thousands of people and the grandma is being praised for slamming the hoarders.
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