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“I Named My Baby After My Favorite Food But NOBODY Believes Me! Did I Do Something Wrong?”

Picking out the perfect name for your child is never an easy endeavor and this next story is proof of just that and more.


One woman is shedding light on how difficult it can be to select the ultimate name for your child. But she’s feeling the heat after loved ones questioned her decision to name her child after her favorite food. And it’s safe to say that her logic is mind-blowing, to say the least.

Source: Facebook

Think along the lines of naming a child based on your tastebuds. As bizarre as that may sound, it’s the reality for one mother who says her child’s name is after her favorite food and she’s got zero regrets about the decision that she’s made.


But the problem lies in the fact that no one finds the name to be real. They feel the mother is either playing with them or simply has lost the plot.

Source: Facebook

The mother explained how very few things excite her in life and food happens to be one of those. Therefore, she really enjoys eating one thing that she can never get enough of and that’s avocado.


So as you can imagine, her child is named Avacuddo. As bizarre as it is, the child’s grandmother was the first to share the news with people online and how she hates the name.

Source: Pixabay

She reportedly put up the post on social media and it’s been getting plenty of reactions from people around the globe.


Many claimed the child was doomed for life while others felt that she still had time to alter before it was too late.

Source: Pixabay

But despite all the criticism and trolling taking place, she’s not in the mood for making any changes right now. According to her, the name needs to be unique and memorable and by the looks of it, people are going to be remembering her for the wrong reasons such as a food name. What do you think?