Dwayne Johnson is not happy with the recent unveiling of his lifesize waxwork.
The star who is also known as The Rock mentioned how the figure required some important changes to be made after a top waxwork museum in France invited him over to unveil the final product.
The 51-year-old A-list celeb took to his account on social media to add how he would be contacting The Musee Grevin in the city of Paris after the controversial waxwork received plenty of criticism from viewers including fans.
The star added how people could not believe how light the skin tone was and that’s when the actor agreed and requested for an updated skin tone so that it would better represent him.
Dwayne’s fans did not shy away from mentioning how the waxwork really was below par with their expectations. That’s when he opted to break his silence on the matter and reached out for the addition of important details as well as enhancements.
Moreover, Dwane mentioned through a recently published reposted video featuring the leading comedian James Andre Jeffereson Jr how the waxwork did not hit the goal of appearing like the former wrestler and therefore it was slowly turning into a laughing stock.
This led to the comedian taking a snapshot of the figure and commenting on how it was unbelievable that Paris felt that he looked like this.
“Whoever this artist is, don’t hire him again. He shouldn’t even be doing art in the first place!”- the comedian ranted and many fans of Dwayne Johnson couldn’t help but agree.
The Rock says his team will be reaching out again soon to update the wax figure because even the skin is really off.
However, some fans were upset that the actor was undermining the hard work and effort put into this waxwork, which is a huge honor.
“How about showing some appreciation for once instead of ridiculing those hired to make the figure!”- another person chanted. What do you think?