Alcohol is a drink that contains more than 1% ethanol and people become intoxicated when drunk.
It is also sometimes referred to by the chemical name ethanol. It is one of the most common and allowed recreational substances, as alcohol produces happiness, euphoria, an increase in sociability, etc.
Alcohol is definitely essential when it comes to socializing.point 341 |
Especially to the young ones, alcohol almost plays a role as a “cheat key” to increase networks.point 84 | In universities, when meeting and making new friends in parties or orientations, usually alcohol is always there.point 181 | A cup of cool beer and a sip of vodka will not only give you the confidence to speak to new people but also relieves stress.point 280 |
However, since the chemical effect on our body is adverse, it is of course not recommended to drink so frequently.point 97 | Sometimes, it is highly addictive which would cause dependence and withdrawal.point 165 | point 167 | 1
There are numerous different types of alcohol with different percentages of ethanol; the higher the percentage, the stronger it is.
A shocking article of a person flamed from high content alcohol was posted on one of the online communities, which drew attention from netizens and even made it to headlines.
Recently, an article titled “A shocking situation that occurs when ordinary people drink 96-degree alcohol,” came up. This has brought curiosity to people and eventually, they clicked the site to see what would happen. The images at the bottom are the clips posted from the online community.
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People who saw this commented, “Wow, is that burning?”, “Is this edited or is this real?” and “Wow, this is scary.point 235 |
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The Polish liquor is called Spirytus Rektyfikowany. This insane liquor is at 96% of alcohol by volume and is one of the strongest and the deadliest liquors in the world. Due to such a high alcohol content, it even has “flammable” warning signs on the packages. It is described as “death in a bottle with a hellish burning aftertaste”.
No other liquors have been made to be stronger than this. It still remains as a “legendary” liquor.