Categories: life

10+ Houses People Have Built Just To Piss Off Their Neighbors

The fights that occur between neighbors can sometimes be very intense.


If it has happened to you that you found a neighbor’s can on your driveway just as you drive home or to work, then for sure you know that having a neighbor is sometimes very frustrating.

Many disagreements erupt between the neighbors due to the countless number of reasons. Maybe it happens that the neighbor’s dog is the noisy type which barks all night long, or they even let their dog sneak into your compound.


Whatever the reason which brings up the fight, there are chances that you won’t be petty enough to lower yourself to the level of spite house.

According to the information found on the Wikipedia, spite houses are:

A Spite house refers to a building constructed or substantially modified to irritate the neighbors or any party with the land stakes. Spite houses usually obstruct light, access to the neighboring buildings, or can even be a symbol to show defiance. Since long-term occupation is just, but a secondary consideration, spite houses mostly sport strange and impractical structures.


1.point 2 | The Equality House

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Source: Facebook

Equality House was built just across the street from the Westboro Baptist Church.point 335 |


If you don’t know the reason which triggered the erection of this structure, it all started due to the hateful nature of Westboro Baptist Church towards the LGBTQ community.point 147 | Westboro has also been involved in protests against military funerals, Lady Gaga, Twitter, Barrack Obama’s daughters going to school, Judaism, and another bunch of things.point 296 |


Hence, Equality House was constructed to symbolize peace.point 50 | 1

2. The Boston Skinny House

Source: Wikipedia

According to the legend with local history, this four stories house which is located at 44 Hull Street in the Northern End of Boston was constructed due to:


Two brothers inherited the land after the death of their father. One brother was committed to serving in the military, and meanwhile, the other brother was busy building a large home. That left the soldier brother with a tiny piece that was just too small to build on. When the soldier came back to find out that his inheritance was no more, he just built the spite house which obstructed the sunlight and ruining the view that his brother’s home had.


3.point 2 | The Plum Island Pink House

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Source: Jonathan Elcock

This tiny pink house is in Newbury, Massachusets.point 252 |


The story of it started way back in 1925 when a bitter divorce erupted between couples where the wife only accepted the terms that the husband was to build her a house similar to their home.point 155 | But she forgot to give the specific place, what made him build it very far away from what she would love in the middle of the salt marsh.point 265 |


The home still stands, and the Support Pink House is just to keep it from being demolished, and it has been named among other national landmarks.point 120 | 1

4. The Alexandria, Virgina Spite House

Source: Yelp

It happened in 1830 when John Hollensbury built this tiny house to block the way for people who were walking across the alley from his home. He grew tired of the sound of their footsteps, and so built it.


5.point 2 | The Richardson House

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Source: Wikipedia

The home was constructed in 1882 when Hyman saner wanted to erect a structure on the land he possessed, but he discovered that he did not possess a little strip between the two properties.point 338 |


When he decided to purchase the land from Joseph Richardson, he low-balled him.point 67 | To spite his cheap neighbor, Joseph didn’t sell the land to him.point 122 | Instead, he built a structure which was just five feet wide to render the space entirely unusable.point 204 |


The structure was demolished in 1915 as it could not be inhabited.point 55 | 1

6. The Alameda Spite House

Charles Froling had dreams about building a house just at the beginning of 20th century. Unfortunately, before he could execute his plan, the town set in and took a good portion of his land. To retaliate against his city and the uncaring neighbors, he erected a structure on the 10 feet piece of land that he was left with, and it came flushing against his neighbor’s house.


7. The Montlake Spite House

Source: Wikipedia

This is another spite house that resulted from the fact that a neighbor was just cheap! The house was built in 1925 in Seattle, Washington when a neighbor offered a snow-ball price for this piece of land. The house only occupies 826-square-feet and was sold recently for about $400,000.


8. The West Cambridge Spite House

Source: Wikipedia

This house was constructed in 1908 when Frances O’Reilly turned down the offer to purchase the piece of land. The 308 square-foot house is just 8 feet in height and still stands to date.


9. The Freeport Spite House

Source: Wikipedia

This large house was constructed in the 19th century in Freeport, New York. The famous developer Randall’s unusual “Freeport Spite House” was constructed to obstruct a competitor developer’s plans for the Freeport route, New York’s Lena Avenue.


10. The Old Spite House

Source: Wikipedia

This is the oldest spite house making up this list. Unfortunately, it does not have a confirmed reason behind its construction. It was built in 1716 in Marblehead, Massachusets. It is only believed that two brothers who had much hatred between them lived on either side of the building.


11.point 3 | The McCobb Spite House

point 22 |
Source: Wikipedia

The last spite house on this list was built in 1806 in Phippsburg and moved to its present location at Deadman’s Point in Rockport, Maine in 1925.point 352 |


The house was constructed by Thomas McCobb just as a deliberate elaborate building, to surpass in quality the fine house that he had grown up in, but which he lost due to a family dispute.point 154 | 1

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