Categories: Healthlife

11 Easy Eye Exercises To Rejuvenate Tired And Overstrained Eyes


Most people spend time in front of computers nowadays.


And when one isn’t in front of the computer, likely as not you’ll find yourself in front of the TV instead. These activities put a great amount of stress on the eyes and you’re doing them every day!

It’s no wonder then that vision problems can soon occur like headaches, dry eyes, redness, and even blurred vision. While ensuring enough sleep overnight and taking periodic rests will help, you can supplement these efforts with some easy exercises to soothe and rejuvenate your eyes.


Best of all, they’re so simple that they take practically no time at all.

1 – Infinity symbol


Move your eyes following the pattern of the infinity symbol. Start at the center then repeat 3 times.


2 – The flirt

Oleg Guta

Slowly move your eyes from right to left and from left to right. Repeat six times.

3 – Around the world


Slowly rotate your pupils 4 times clockwise then 4 turns counterclockwise.

4 – Blind man’s bluff

Oleg Guta

Squeeze your eyes shut for 5 seconds then open them suddenly. Do this 10 times.

5 – Cross eyes

Oleg Guta

Extend your hand in front of you with your thumb up then look at your thumbnail. Slowly pull your hand towards your nose and then push it out again, all while looking at the thumbnail. Repeat 10 times.


6 – Contrast shower


Rinse your eyes in the morning with warm water, then cold. In the evening, do the same in reverse order, cold then warm.


7 – Gentle massage


Gently press the upper eyelids with your fingers. Then remove your fingers after 1-2 seconds. Repeat 3 times. This massage helps improve the circulation of intraocular fluid.


8 – Warms palms


First, relax by closing your eyes and imagining something pleasant for a few minutes. Then rub the palms of your hands together to warm them. After that, cover your eyes with your palms. Do this for about 1 minute.


9 – Big eyes


While sitting up straight, close eyes tightly for five seconds, then open them wide. Repeat 8-10 times. This will strengthen the eyelid muscles, improve blood circulation, and will help relax the muscles of the eyes.


10 – Dot on the glass


Cut up a Post It into a small dot and color it black before posting it on a window. Select a distant object that you can see from the window. Look at that distant object for a few seconds before transferring your attention to the dot on the window. Do this 5 times.


11 – Shutters


Blink slightly and quickly for 2 minutes to improve blood circulation in the eyes.




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