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112-Year-Old Woman Who Credited Whiskey For Her Long Life Passed Away After Long And Fulfilling Life

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Great Britain’s oldest person who credited whiskey for becoming a centenarian has passed away at the age of 112 after living a long and fulfilling life.

Adam Hughes – SWNS

Grace Jones was a mother-of-one who was born on September 16, 1906. Due to her extraordinary age, the woman was dubbed as ‘Amazing Grace’ and served as an inspiration to people decades younger than her.


Throughout her “very fulfilling life,” Grace has lived through five monarchs, both world wars, and 26 prime ministers. On top of that, she had been in excellent condition until her very last breath.


The 112-year-old passed away on Friday, June 7, and handed over the title of Britain’s oldest person alive to 111-year-old Dorothy Payne from Kent.


Previously, Olive Boar, 113, was holding the title of Britain’s oldest centenarian alive until her death in the summer of 2018.

According to Grace’s daughter, 80-year-old Deirdre McCarthy, her mother “was always active.”

Adam Hughes – SWNS

“Only last Wednesday we were playing carpet bowls,” Deirdre said.


“She got tired, as she would at her age, but she never grumbled and she was always active. She was her usual self last week.

“Everyone at the home has been upset. She was very popular, the leading lady. What an age though, 112 and three quarters. She lived a very fulfilling life. She did everything with style.”


Speaking of her happy life in a recent interview, Grace revealed her best part of life was when she was together with her husband of 53 years who passed away at the age of 79.


“He was a true gentleman, the son of a parson. We were always together and we loved one another,” Grace said.

As for her advice to others who seek long life, Grace suggested mixing a “drop of whiskey with a drop of water every night.”

“I have a little drop of whiskey with a drop of water every night. Whiskey is very good for you,” she previously admitted.

Adam Hughes – SWNS

“I started having a nightly tot of it when I turned 50 so I’ve been having it every night for the last 60 years and I certainly have no intention of stopping now.


“My doctor said ‘keep up with the whiskey Grace, it’s good for your heart.’ I don’t worry, I think that’s the worst thing you can do.”

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