Categories: life

12 Things Women Have No Idea Men Notice About Them

Men are usually dissed for their lack of great observational skills.


Some men consider such women’s complaints to be true. Other men are doing everything possible to ensure that this stereotype no longer exists. Regardless of whether you support or disapprove this claim, this article presents some reassuring points about the things men notice as opposed to women.

1. Men notice your efforts

Contrary to what many people think, he is likely to notice if you try to be attuned to his friends. He will also notice if you force down the meatloaf you dislike just to impress his mother.


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2. The number of times you wear your sweatpants

He is about to give you a tide pod in the next 24 hours if you have not taken care of your laundry for some time and you have been wearing the same dirty clothes for several days.


3. He will pay attention to your quirks

If you have been avoiding that sidewalk crack or you have to check the price of all the items before you make a purchase, then you should know that men are likely to notice these humorous habits.


4. Your sweet songs when taking a shower

We all believe that we have mastered the song “I will always love you” by Whitney Houston after several shower sessions. Right?


5. Your interactions with other people

How many times do you shout at a sister who drives you crazy? Do you talk to your pet like a baby? Then you should know that he has noticed.


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6. Texting behavior

Men will initially pay attention to every emoji in order to assess whether you are interested or not. Ladies who are not interested in sending texts might find men reading into their dry jokes or hasty replies. Who said we should make things easy?


7. Things that make you more cheerful

If your man solves an argument by giving you a Big Mac, then he is likely to record it in his mind.


8. The funny things that make you laugh

If he manages to make you laugh, then he is likely to continue paying attention to the things that are likely to make you happy.


9. Your snores when you are asleep.

We don’t snore!


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10. Your film choices and what they imply

Do you love sci-fi films or are you uncontrollably obsessed with Noah Calhoun? Have you purchased every Harry Potter movie DVD like me? Whether you are interested in fantasy, romantic comedy or action movies, your man will notice your interests.


11. When your answer is “OK but you are insincere

Sometimes we say that something is “OK” but our gestures, facial expressions, and voice tone say otherwise. He is likely to notice when this happens.


12. Your confidence levels when you are naked

Whether you are confident with or without your bra (as opposed to other little things that make you uncomfortable), he’s is able to know whether you are comfortable or not.


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