Categories: Animals/Petslife

These Dogs’ Ways Of Begging For Food Are Absolutely Hilarious

Dogs are the loyal and friendly pet, dogs really do deserve their title of ‘man’s best friend’.


They’re loyal, intelligent, devoted and affectionate, and are known to improve our physical and mental health.

Every dog owner knows about their dog’s love for food. If there’s food about you can guarantee your pup is in the vicinity, sniffing, drooling and putting on their best sad eyes.


It doesn’t matter how well-trained they are, pets will always go crazy at the smell of food. And these very funny photos show the lengths they will go to when pleading for a taste of what their owners are eating.

These pictures how dogs eagerly waiting for their food, Bored Panda have made a list of the funniest and most creative doggy beggars scroll down below to check them out.


Here Are The Pictures:

1. Dobby Wants Food But Dobby Is A Good Boi So He Does Not Bork

2. Every time I try to eat in peace, the Famished Four make an appearance…


3. Impressive

4. I was wrestling with my dog and forgot that he never misses an opportunity to eat


5. He started barking at the door, when I got up to look outside he ran back a stole a slice of my pizza. No one at the door



7. Daydreaming in front of the bbq

8. Can We Just Talk About How My Dogs Beg For Food?


9. When your blind dog begs for food

10. He likes to walk his bowl around the coffee table so we can see how empty it is


11. It’s not only dogs who beg for food! A cute baby decided to join two of the family’s pets in patiently waiting for the man to dish out some food


12. Ice Cream Fan Club

13. Watching Me Cook Dinner


14. Perks Of Having A Glass Dinner Table

15. It Was ‘Bring Your Dog Night’ At The Seattle Mariners Game Last Night. He Stared At Me The Whole Time Like This



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