Categories: life

27 Pictures That Will Make You Wonder How People Failed So Badly

“Brainfarts”, we used to call them, when we do something so dumb that we have no other choice than to admit we made a huge mistake.


We’ve all done them, probably dozens of times. From forgetting a simple fact to losing our keys when they’re in our hand, brainfarts happen to us all.

There’s nothing wrong with having them, in our fast paced lives it’s easy to forget the simple details of life and do something so dumb that all we can do is step back and laugh. Below is a list of 27 hilarious photos of people failing at some of the most obvious things.


Please enjoy and remember, it’s okay to laugh if you’ve done something similar. It’s all part of being a human!

A Bath Bomb? It Blows Up Your Bathroom?!

I mean sure, it can work in a toilet, but they’re meant for so much more!

Mirror Mirror On The Wall Who Is The Most Foolish Of All?

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Perhaps that’s the next time of modern art, framed pictures of ceiling fans.


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That’s Not How Those Work

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How am I supposed to get the salt out with it in those wrappers?!

It’s Like A Gumball Dispenser, Just A Smaller

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The guy who did those salt and pepper shakers was demoted to cleaning up the bathroom and still screwed it up!


How Do MRIs Work Again?

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Oh right, they’re just like gigantic magnets!

I Don’t Need The Instruction Manual


It was all going so well until she gave it a good hard look and realized the fatal flaw.


Someone Needs To Invent A Better Way

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I bought this umbrella and I’m still getting wet.

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Wires Always End Up Tangled

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Whether it’s my headphones or my Christmas lights, they always find the most impossible way to get tangled up.


How Do I Math?

The time his mind was smaller than his stomach

Mom Had An Accident

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She put the frozen pizza in the wrong way. I’m not even sure how you manage to do that.


His Dominos Pizza Was Just Bread!

via Twitter

One has to wonder how much time he spent looking at the underside of the pizza until he realized it…


New Carts Aren’t Very Good

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It’s hard to pull and it keeps making this screeching noise!

Europe is Weird

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I really hope she didn’t drink from it…


Swiss Army Knives Are Designed For Every Situation

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You just have to find the tool!

Nothing Can Hold Me Down

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The one flaw in their plan was holding down a pair of scissors with something that they can cut.



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You managed to miss every single letter and make the most confusing acronym ever.

They’re Designed To Do More Than Look Cool

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But I see you managed to solve the problem on your own…


Yes, You Should Be Worried

What are they teaching kids these days?

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Lasagna or Baby Scan?

via Twitter / @whomshe

I know who’s not getting invited to the baby shower.


His Housemates Forgot Ovens Get Hot

It’s going to be a long, yet interesting year.

Embarrassment In The Technological Age

It doesn’t get much worse than this..

My Aunt Doesn’t Understand How Screenshots Work

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Technology is constantly evolving and so are we


That’s Not What Thighs Look Like

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Has the product designer ever even met a human?

Sandpaper and your Windshield!

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Well it did get rid of the ice, so it did its job well enough!


The All Raw Diet

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When someone tried to warn her, she only went further down the hole.

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Never go in on these fad diets!


How Many Hours Are in A Day>?

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At least her heart was in the right place!

When Traffic Is At A Standstill

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… because you’re stuck behind a parked vehicle.


Tell us what you thought of these hilarious photos! Have you ever done something similar? Let us know down in the comments!

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