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The 5 Stages Of Love And Only The Strongest Couples Pass Stage 3

Love can happen anytime, or with anyone.


You never know who is waiting for you and where? Maintaining a relationship is not easy, and if you love someone truly you always try to keep your relation beautiful.

There are basically 5 stages of love, but most people are stuck at stage 3 only. Let’s find out why! Inexperienced in love, writing this story was an out-of-my-comfort-zone kind of job for me. Handling love is a Herculean task and hats-off to people who manage to reach the fifth stage of love.


Stage 1: Falling in Love

Falling in love also feels great because we project all our hopes and dreams of our lover. We imagine that they will fulfill our desires, give us all the things we didn’t get as children, deliver on all the promises our earlier relationships failed to fulfill. We are sure we will remain in love forever. And because we are besotted with “love hormones,” we’re not aware of any of this.


Stage 2: Becoming a Couple

Love deepens, you feel more secure and cuddly and find all the reasons why this will survive and last longer. You may not have wild sex, but it is largely satisfying. You get to discover the person, and the slow unraveling keeps you curious.


There is a thought that this is the ultimate level of love, but, are unaware of the turnaround stage 3 is to bring to the relation. Watch out, guys! Do not get blown away, but do not doubt also, it is the time you want to get into and are not sure, too. Stay positive, although.


Stage 3 – Beginning of the End

This is the stage when everything seems to go wrong. Just like when a switch is flipped, your relationship begins to take a turn. Little things begin to bother you. You feel surrounded by problems. But what still keeps you at it is the little love that you have tasted in the first two stages.


Everyday responsibilities, bills, work commitments, and housework gets in the way of romance, and sometimes you feel trapped in all this routine and begin to ask yourself if you have made the right choice.

When you have had enough of each other when practicality starts to kick in, you find it difficult to hold on to. But, maybe perseverance will take you to another stage of love.


Stage 4 – Creating ‘Real’ love

This is the stage when you recover from your problems, you get to the core of things that cause issues. Here your partner loves you for who you are and tries to accept you as you are. Differences are leveled, and you no longer fight on petty matters. Your relationship is evolving.


You’ve also learned to give each other some space, you understand that your partner may have their own likes and dislikes, hobbies and habits, and it’s OK, you don’t have to be like Siamese twins all the time. You both can stay who you are as individuals and still keep your bond.


There’s nothing more satisfying than being with a partner who sees you and loves you for who you are. They understand that your hurtful behavior is not because you are mean and unloving, but because you have been wounded in the past and the past still lives with you. As we better understand and accept our partner, we can learn to love ourselves ever more deeply.


Stage 5 – The Power of Two

You want to utilize the power of two to change the world. Together you aim to make this world a better place for others. Lucky are those who reach this stage. There is none like it, folks. If you haven’t experienced this stage, you haven’t experienced one of the most beautiful things in the world. To unravel what this world yearns for. Lucky you!


The ultimate goal is achieved, you guys are comfortable with each other. You don’t wish to change anything about either of you. You gain completeness. This is called BLISS!

Good luck couples.



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