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5-Year-Old Girl Dialed 911 And Saved Her Dad’s Life As He Was Having A Heart Attack

dispatcher.jpg?fit=1024%2C538&ssl=1&strip=all - 5-Year-Old Girl Dialed 911 And Saved Her Dad's Life As He Was Having A Heart Attack

Difficult times call for unconventional measures, and several years ago Savannah Hensley found herself in such a situation as her father began experiencing difficulties with breathing and chest pain.


The dad called 911 but found himself unable to speak as the call went through. That’s when 5-year-old Savannah jumped into action and talked to the dispatcher herself.


“What’s wrong?” the dispatcher asked. “Um, my Dad can’t hardly breathe,” the girl answered.

The operator then reassured Savannah that help was already on the way and that he needs her to stay with her dad and make sure he stays awake.



The smart and adorable girl continued to answer all of his questions while comforting her dad at the same time. “Don’t worry, Dad!” she yelled as she went to unlock the front door as instructed by the dispatcher.

Savannah also kept on talking both to her father as well as the dispatcher who she repeatedly reassured: “so far, so good!”



According to Jason Bonham, the Hancock County dispatcher who received the call, “most people, when you talk with them, they’re so hysterical.”

“Every time I’ve listen to it, it’s amazing. She’s just a little person,” the dispatcher added.


For almost 10 minutes, little Savannah stayed on the line and handled the terrifying situation like a pro.

“We are so grateful & blessed that Savannah’s 911 call is still being circulated. It makes the whole entire night worthwhile,” the girl’s mom wrote on Facebook in 2013, three years after the incident took place. “The more awareness it brings & the more adults that teach children what to do the better!”


What do you think of the way Savannah handled this tough situation? Let us know in the comments below and don’t forget to SHARE this post!