Categories: life

6 Warning Signs From Your Body That Might Indicate You Have A Liver Disorder

The liver is a large, meaty organ that sits on the right side of the belly and is responsible for many significant functions in our body.


Liver, the largest gland in your body, filters the blood that comes from the digestive tract, before passing it to the rest of the body. It receives about 30% of the blood that circulates through your body.


Liver diseases can be caused by a variety of factors, such as viruses and excess alcohol intake. Harmful chemicals can also be a cause of toxins in your liver. A healthy diet and a healthy lifestyle can help your liver. Following signs from your body will check your liver status.



 1. Pain In Your Liver:

Liver pain can arise for various reasons. If you feel the pain from it, it is highly likey tha you have an unhealthy liver. The pain can be a dull pain or it can also become unbearable, depending on how much toxin is in your liver. This warning sign of your liver being toxic cannot be ignored as it may cause dangerous diseases. Pain in our livers may be the sign for hepatitis, liver abscess and many other diseases.



2. Gaining Weight:

Gaining weight is directly related to the liver disorders. It may be the main cause of fatty liver, which may lead to liver cirrhosis as well. If the weight gain is not due to the overeating or a hormonal imbalance, probably you would have a toxic liver. Excessive drinking of alcohol will cause inflammation in your liver, and negatively affect your liver by accumulating a lot of fat in it.  When the liver doesn’t work properly, it will start storing the toxins in fat cells.



3. Swollen Legs and Ankles:

Swollen legs and ankle are another warning sign of a toxic liver. If you avoid your liver issues, it repairs itself by forming scar tissue which makes it impossible for the liver to function properly, resulting in portal hypertension. It increases the blood pressure in our veins and cause fluids to accumulate in your leg, resulting in swollen legs. Most likely, you will be told by the doctors you have liver cirrhosis.



4. Yellow Eyes And Skin:

Yellow eyes and skin is the symptoms of jaundice, which is means your liver is full of toxins. Bilirubin, a yellow pigment that is created by the breakdown of dead red blood cells in the liver and when your liver is unable to get rid of bilirubin and the red blood cells, your face, and eyes turn yellow.



5 Allergies:

When your liver is overloaded with toxins, it can cause an allergic reaction because the brain recognizes them as allergens as too many substances entering the bloodstream. If you are having allergic reactions like itchy red spots or rashes, then surely it’s the right time to go see your Doctor because your liver may be unhealthy.



6 Fatigue:

We all feel tired since we have a lot of things to do and look after. But if you feel tired constantly for at least 6 months, then it is Chronic Fatigue. The main reason for Chronic Fatigue is that your liver is full of toxins. Your liver provides energy to the body by turning glucose into glycogen and storing it away. But if you have a toxic liver, it can not produce any glucose as it has no space to store it.


These are the main warning signs of a toxic or damaged liver. If you have any of these, we advise you to consult a Doctor and don’t ignore these warning signs as they may prevent you from death.