Categories: FamilyHealth

7-Year-Old Passed Away After Pulling A Prank On Her Mom

Children would usually do anything to get the attention of their parents.


From pranks to emotional outbursts to playing a victim, they surely have their own ways of getting what they want.

Precise Tucker was a sweet little 7-year-old girl that loved pranking her mom. Usually, she would loosely tie a bathrobe belt around her neck and connect it to a fridge handle, pretending that she’s hanged herself. On March 21, however, her prank turned into something unplanned and unhoped-for.


She was in the middle of her prank when her mom, Purity Baldwin, told her to stop and left the kitchen. Persistent Precise continued with her joke while eating potato chips.


After a while, her 15-year-old brother walked into the room and found Precise choking. He called his mother, and together they tried to remove the chips stuck in her throat. According to the Post, they also administered CPR.


Eventually, neighbors entered the apartment and tried helping the little girl until the ambulance showed up. One of the experts that arrived at the scene explained that the prank isn’t the reason behind choking.


“That was a prank. The thing was loose,” a former EMT, Debi Pawluk, said while referring to the bathrobe belt. “The brother cut it off. There’s absolutely no marks whatsoever on this girl’s neck.”

“[EMTs] put her on a stretcher and rushed to the ambulance,” Jose Rivera, a neighbor, recalled. “They were pushing on her chest as they ran.”


After a while, Precise started breathing on her own. Sadly, her health already deteriorated beyond saving. “They called in a brain specialist last night and she failed every test,” Precise’s aunt said. “He’s saying she’s brain-dead.”


Two days after the prank, Precise was pronounced dead.

“She is a sweet little girl. I’ve known her from the time she was born,” a neighbor, Dennis Mandoros, said. “When I see her, I’d say, ‘Hello, little girl.’ She said hello back.”


Unfortunately, this time the prank didn’t have a good ending. In memory of sweet Precise, please share this post with your loved ones and leave a comment below!