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8-Year-Old Violinist With Hand Disability Impressed And Inspired Others With Her Determination To Succeed

Only Good

When we come into this life, it’s pretty much a lottery.


Even for people who are traditionally considered normal, everyone has varying degrees of intelligence, and depending on one’s genes, you could easily get fat or eat anything and not gain any weight. It can be frustrating enough if you are born on the “wrong” side of that lottery but even more so if you were born with some physical or mental disability.

Watch this inspiring story of a little girl.


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Video credit: Rumble

But for 8-year-old Nickie Alarie, the word “can’t” doesn’t exist in her vocabulary even if she was born with a hand deformity so that she only has limited use of that “small” hand.

Only Good

This little powerhouse from a small town in Ontario, Canada, plays soccer, goes to school, plays with her friends, loves to bake with her mom, and even rides horses and plays the violin. In fact, she has a more active lifestyle than other people who don’t have any disability at all.


For the past 3 years, Nickie has been playing the violin and her disability did not stop her from excelling at it. Thanks to a custom device designed by bio-mechanic specialists, Nickie can attach a bow to her small arm to use it to play notes.

Nickie’s violin teacher Paule Barsalou was inspired by how determined her student was. “Nicky is always the driving force in the learning,” she explained. “She never gives up and is not afraid to repeat things over and over again. When there is an obstacle, she just figures a way to work around it.”


As far as Nickie is concerned, she’s not thinking about what she can’t do. She’s determined to show the world what she CAN do!

Only Good

We all have problems in our lives and that causes us to worry no end. We often wonder if we’re ever good enough or capable enough to accomplish something or perhaps laugh something off as something only others with more talent can do.


But this young girl will make anyone stop and think about what’s stopping them. Because if a disabled person can rise beyond her disability that would have stymied most people, then a normal person with all their faculties should be able to do the same if they put their mind to it.


What an inspiring little girl she is!

