Categories: EntertainmentQuiz

90% Of Viewers Can’t Find The Hidden ‘C’ In This Puzzle! But Can You?

w2 19.jpg?fit=1024%2C538&ssl=1&strip=all - 90% Of Viewers Can't Find The Hidden 'C' In This Puzzle! But Can You?

Sometimes, it’s the tiniest of details that make all the difference in the world and this next riddle is the ultimate example of that notion.


Believe it or not, one of the best ways to relax your mind is through riddles that give your brain cells a healthy chance to rid away all the stress and work out to great perfection. In case you don’t plan on agreeing with us, here is a challenge that goes above and beyond all forms of norms.

Source: The Economist

The designers for this viral puzzle are getting raving reviews because they know exactly how to challenge the best viewers in terms of eyes and their minds. So, do you think you’ve got what it takes to step up to the plate and make the most of this riddle? Well, we certainly hope so.


Scroll down below and see what you think might be the right answer to this never-ending raving riddle. Also, don’t forget to SHARE the fun with loved ones and family members because sharing is the best form of caring too! Good luck!

Source: IQ’s Corner

The Puzzle

Now here is the puzzle that’s causing a stir on the internet. Most viewers are finding it awfully difficult to find out a C that is strategically or shall we say sneakingly hidden out of sight. However, trust us when we say that it’s in there somewhere.


Hence, the key to finding the correct answer is taking a close glance at the puzzle and then going on from there. Come on, we know you can do it and that’s why we’re rooting for you all the way.

Don’t forget to take a look at the answer, once you’ve given it your best shot. And please, no cheating because there’s no fun in that!

Source: Brightside

The Solution

The correct answer that entails the hidden C is in the 4th row and 10th column of this image. Did you manage to score correctly? We certainly do hope so!