One man has sparked a new and viral debate online after claiming he refused to give up his seat to a fellow passenger.
It happened to be a woman who was pregnant and was showing obvious signs of discomfort while standing for the ride. But the man revealed how he immediately looked away and had zero interest in offering her one of his spots.
But the debate has reached a new level online as many felt he probably shouldn’t have behaved in that manner. In his poor justification, the man explained how he has worked some really long and hard shifts and now wants to relax.
On that particular day, he claims to have been standing for eight hours straight and the least he could get was some peace on his ride back home. “I have long working hours, no one would give up their seat for me so why should I feel the need to do something for them”- he continued.
If that behavior of his was not daunting enough, look at this. He further aggravated the matter by mentioning how the woman opted to get pregnant on her own.
In other words, he says that carrying a child in her belly was a personal decision so others did not need to lift the baggage of her decisions.
Now, the man is being bashed online for thinking his behavior was very normal and nothing wrong with it. But people are having their say.
They revealed how common courtesy and manners go a long way in life and how karma could really hurt some individuals.
When the lady started to give him imploring eyes, that was when he felt he had to tell her no on her face. He was tired, and deserved every right to sit on this seat as much as she did. What do you think?