Dan James Richards, who is a 16-year-old teen, committed suicide, and his family thinks it is because of the bullies who played a significant role in his death.
Dan’s family is speaking out against the bullying that happens with teenagers and destroys their lives. Dan was the youngest of his four siblings, and he just died some days before his 17th birthday.
Dan is described as an ideal son in his obituary, and also it is stated that he never had even one mean bone against anyone in his life.
Dan’s family is still not clear about the whole suicide as they have some unanswered questions, but they are sure that the bullying played some role in his death.
Laura Dowda, who is Dan’s mother, said that whenever we asked him if he is being bullied, then he used to say that don’t worry as I have taken care of the whole situation.
Laura further noted that his answers made it pretty clear that he was being bullied, but he didn’t want to make an issue out of it.
The family wrote on Facebook that instead of celebrating his 17th birthday today, they are preparing for his funeral, and it is a sad moment for the whole family.
The family also decided to talk openly about suicide in hopes of preventing other teens from taking their lives.
They said that they are doing this because they just want to pass on the message and prevent other kids from doing the same because it is the worst pain one family can go through.
Also, in a way, the family directly addressed the bullies so that they understand the role that they played in their child’s death.
The family said to the bullies that probably you all think that you were successful in making Dan feel worthless, but he wasn’t worthless and though the family has forgiven them but now the God will take care of the matter and do justice.
Though it is a sad moment for the family, but we hope that people understand the risk that bullying has and will stop doing that.
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