A sugar daddy and a sugar baby share a relationship that is certainly not a complete relationship.
In order to give company and love, sugar babies demand allowance from their sugar daddies which is called agreement in their technical terms. Men or women provide support financially to their sugar babies and in return enjoy their company as well as intimacy.
Valentina is an 18 years old college student who has 7 sugar daddies. The sugar baby appeared on Secrets of Sugar Baby Dating on BBC where she was in a conversation with Tiffany Sweeney. Tiffany Sweeney also performed as a sugar baby in a documentary.
Valentina is a fashion student and is currently engaged with 7 sugar daddies. Explaining the agreement she says “Most of the sugar daddies are above 40 years of age which is more than double of mine age.
Why they get involved with young girls or school girls is because women their age already have tons of problems and issues and also there is a fantasy thing with school girls.”
She added “being with a young girl makes them feel young too. There is this happiness that only comes with a touch of youth and that is why these men prefer having a school girl with them.”
She said that she will not deny having intimate relationships with them because that is the part of a relationship. She said the intimacy is just like a normal relationship with them and she enjoys it as much as they do.
She said that on an average, a sugar baby charges about 3 grand’s a month and plus there are extra gifts, shopping and a lot more. She says “When I see something I like I become flirtier and they understand it that they will get sex in return of the buy.
Besides, they have to be glamorous all the time with pop dresses and jewels to go out with their sugar daddies and these dresses come in the same way.
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