Florida has all kind of people and one of them makes to the news headlines every once in a while.
Some come up for the nuisances they have created, some for other illegal activities and some for a little good work. This week another Florida man made it to the news headlines but for all the right reasons.
The man who asked not to reveal his identity is a native of Florida and was devastated by the condition the Bahamas was left in after the hurricane Dorian hit the region. He said that he could see the devastation and could hold it in.
The man who took a trip down to the Costco in Jacksonville bought 100 generators from the store to send it away to the Bahamas for the people who have lost their everything and will need a lot of help to rebuild their lives.
The man who paid a bill of $49,285.70 had bought 100 generators of $450 each.
A man who was buying a generator for his personal use saw and overheard the man and decided to thank the man. He also bought a few other food supplies like peas, beans, salt, coffee, etc.
The man who kept himself anonymous is a farmer who says that we should leave no chance to prove that we are humans. He said that he does not need any publicity for a good deed he is doping.
He said that he just says there is a need for something and he came on to fulfill it, just like we all should do.
The supplies he bought will be shipped to the Bahamas by a boat. The owner of the boat is a native of Bahamas and a friend of the anonymous guy for almost 20 years now.
They both believe we all need to help in rebuilding the Bahamas because people have just not lost their lives, they have lost everything they could call their life.
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