We see thousands of jobs advertisements every single day.
Some are vague, others are incredibly specific, some with low salary or very little requirements. Others will make you set for life providing you have the right qualifications.
Well, don’t worry we’ve found the job for you, and the job is pretty interesting.
Domino’s Australia has advertised a role as a garlic bread taste tester in it’s Queensland store.
“Spend a day at Domino’s HQ in Brisbane sampling our delicious garlic pieces of bread and other products (including a sneak peek at what’s coming up) and provide important feedback to the team – all while being paid!” the ad says on LinkedIn.
You’ll get paid $30 an hour for the day, which is a cheeky $225. You’ll also get a pizza lunch included but you might be pretty full after all the garlic bread you’ll be devouring.
Well, you must be pretty good in some role.
The ideal candidate will be someone who has ‘never met a carb they didn’t like, does not identify as a vampire, understands the perfect ‘crunch to softness’ ratio and is passionate about food, innovation and having fun’.
Okay, vague enough that most of us can still apply.
The company wants these experiences and qualifications for this job. You’ll have to have a decent set of skills to set yourself above the rest:
Minimum of 5 years’ experience in garlic bread consumption
Has a detailed understanding of the pizza and garlic bread relationship
Has working taste buds
Has burned their fingers at least once not being able to wait for the garlic bread to cool down
Has a history of reviewing other people’s food choices (solicited and/or unsolicited).
That will set the adults apart from the children.
If you’re not within driving distance of Brisbane’s HQ, then Domino’s will pay for a return flight.
All you have to do is fill out a survey and then ‘tell us in 200 words OR in a 30-second video why you are the perfect candidate for the job’.
You can apply till October 7, 2019 and they’re looking for creativity. So, don’t just say that you like garlic bread because it is not enough to get this job.
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