Giving birth to a baby and taking care of them in the first couple of years is the most hectic duty anyone can ever have.
Going to the gym is nearly impossible during that time, and all the new moms want to get back in shape as soon as possible.
According to a recent study, about 60% of all moms having children between one to two years of age are somewhat obese. If you are too busy to go to the gym and you don’t want to be counted in that 60%, here’s how you can get back in shape at home.
Olga Baykina, a mother of three, spoke to Bright Side about the workout moves women can use to get back in shape after becoming a mother. Scroll down to read them:
1. Hip Bridges
Lie with your back flat on the ground while your knees are bent as far as you can. Hold your baby above your head.
Lift your hips as much as you easily can and then return them back to the ground. Do ten to twelve repetitions of the exercise.
2. Reverse Curls
While lying flat on your back, bend your knees towards your chest.
Sit your baby on your legs below the knees. Raise your body above the hips to kiss the baby on their forehead and then go back to the initial position.
3. Plank
Lay your baby near you on the floor, and then lay down with your stomach on the floor and your back facing up.
Rest your body weight on your forearms while your elbows are directly beneath your shoulders and your forearms are glued to the ground.
Try to make a straight line between your head and heels. Keep your body in this position for around 2 minutes.
4. Squats
Stand with your feet spread to shoulder width while holding your baby in your arms stretching out in front of you.
With the baby in your arms, sit down while keeping your knees over the ankles before standing up. Do as many repetitions as you easily can.
5. Forward Lunges
With your feet spread wide apart, stand on flat ground while holding your baby.
Step forward with the right leg, and bend your body until your knee makes an angle of 90°. Repeat the exercise by switching legs.
6. Side Lunges
Hold your baby in your hands in a way that their stomach faces down. Stretch your leg to the right as much as you can without extending your knee past your toenails.
Make sure that your left leg is straight as you perform this step. Repeat the steps with the other leg.
7. Pliés
Holding your baby at the front, stand with your feet a bit more spread than shoulder width.
Bend your knees as much as you can but not beyond a 90° angle. Maintain this position for up to three minutes and return to standing.
If you take about half an hour every day to do all or some of these exercises, you can be as fit as you were before you gave birth to your baby.
Also, make sure to be careful about your baby’s safety while doing these exercises.