Dogs are animals to love and not to eat.
As a human, we should stop presuming that we are superior of all and we should stop the evil slaughtering we perform in the name of food.
Maybe we are not able to do that for all the animals right now but here is great news. Seoul, the capital of South Korea is now free of dog slaughter as the last three dog meat shops agreed to take off the practice.
In the month of July, Busan’s Gupo dog meat market closed down as the largest dog slaughterhouse at Seongnam, Taepyeong had closed down.
Following the yearlong campaign by mayor Park Won of the city, the last three working meet shops agreed that they would shut down the practice of dog slaughter.
Seoul’s mayor Park had made a promise to the city in February that he will close down all the dog slaughterhouse. For the same, he also made an animated movie about the dogs who are abundant. The film was called Underdog.
Dog meat has been a huge part of the cuisine served in the country and in South Korea alone about one million dogs are slaughtered and eaten each year.
Each year about 8,500 are abundant in Seoul alone and all those dogs are euthanized.
The Coexistence of Animal Rights on Earth last year was under the charge of euthanizing more than 200 stray dogs without permission and authority.
The practice of eating dog meat in South Korea is declining each day which is coming out as great news. The new generation has a better idea and plan in mind and their attitudes towards the dog meet have changed over time a lot.
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