A man has gone viral after proposing to the judge to have the dispute between him and his ex-wife settled with a trial by combat.
While the grueling processes that come along with a divorce and separation are never easy to get over with, 40-year-old David Ostrom from Paola, Kansas, went to extreme lengths to attempt to solve the dispute between him and his former wife.
As The Des Moines Register reported, Mr. Ostrom has requested the judge to solve the matter with a trial by combat involving a sword fight.
As if that wasn’t bizarre enough, the man claimed he was excited to meet his former wife’s champion “on the field of battle where [he] will rend their souls from their corporal bodies.”
“To this day, trial by combat has never been explicitly banned or restricted as a right in these United States,” Ostrom told the judge before arguing that the infamous practice had been widely used in the past.
However, preparations for a trial by combat apparently take time, whereas Ostrom asked the judge to grant him three months in order to “source or forge katana and wakizashi swords” according to the Carroll Times Herald.
While Ostrom was ready to fight for himself despite having no sword-fighting experience, he suggested that Matthew Hudson, his wife’s lawyer, could serve as her champion so that she wouldn’t have to fight.
“I think I’ve met Mr. Hudson’s absurdity with my own absurdity. If Mr. Hudson is willing to do it, I will meet him. I don’t think he has the guts to do it,” Ostrom reportedly said.
After the bizarre proposal, Hudson responded by writing:
“It should be noted that just because the U.S. and Iowa constitutions do not specifically prohibit battling another person with a deadly katana sword, it does prohibit a court sitting in equity from ordering same.”
Responding to the unusual request was also Judge Craig Dreismeier who said:
“Until the proper procedural steps to initiate a court proceeding are followed, this court will take no further action concerning any motion, objection or petition filed by either party at this time.”
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