Michelle Carter was imprisoned due to involuntary manslaughter.
It was seen that she had sent a series of texts to her boyfriend which made him took his own life.
Since, Michelle showed really good behavior in the jail, she was released early.
Michelle was just 17 when she had sent the texts to her boyfriend, Conrad Murray, 18. It was observed that she had encouraged to end his life via texts. The texts were shared right before the boyfriend killed himself.
Although Carter was sentenced for two and a half year imprisonment but it got reduced to one year and three months.
There were people who claimed that she can never be a good girl and should spent her entire life in the prison. The headline grabbing trial revealed that Carter even called Roy while sharing the texts right before he killed himself.
The texts said that if he don’t do it now, he will never be able to do it and tomorrow never comes. Some people don’t understand that ending their own life in not even an option to exist. Life is not as hard as you make it look like.
A healthy relationship is when the pair is not influenced by anything. People need to know that they are not alone in this whole wide world.
In this lifetime, each and every human have to face some or the other hardship which is bound to come.
What matters is that everyone has to maintain the never giving up spirit. You have got one life, make sure it is worth living.
Suicide is the most frightening thought and it should not even exist. Each and every human being deserves the world and everyone is there for each other. It’s not only about the bad, you should always focus on the good.
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