A father-of-three is in need of a new kidney for his wife and is praying to get matched in a donor scheme in time for his wife’s 40th birthday.
Gillian Morrison suffers from Bergen’s disease that causes irreplaceable damage to the organ and is in need of a new kidney.
Her 47-year-old husband Grant has now registered to donate one of his kidneys to a couple as part of a paired exchange donor scheme.
Gillian, who has been waiting for a kidney donor for nearly a decade, is facing debilitating dialysis as she has a kidney function of just five percent.
The mother-of-three said: “Most of the time I manage to stay positive but I am slowly running out of positivity and my main worry is my children. I’ve had family members who were willing to donate.”
“I thought I had a match and that I could get a transfer before I needed to get dialysis and life would go on. But it didn’t work out. That makes it so tough.”
Now, her husband Grant is willing to donate his kidney for his wife as part of a paired exchange donor scheme in time for his wife’s 40th birthday.
Grant hopes to find the perfect match soon as it would be the best 40th birthday gift for Gillian.
He said: “Our lives are on hold. Not knowing from where a match might come or how long it might take is the hardest part. If I had been a match, of course I’d love to have been able to help Gillian.”
Gillian is also self-isolating amid coronavirus outbreak and trying everything to keep herself calm.
The couple has now urged the public to become a living donor by visiting www.organdonation.nhs.uk.
Grant wants the gift of life for his wife Gillian as she will be turning 40 in September.
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