A single mother-of-12 says that she and her children have been forced to live in a mold-ridden and freezing house after she was told by the local council that she could not be re-homed.
Lisa Clarke complains that the six-bedroom house has several leaks, a broken boiler, and is too small for all of them.
The angry mother from Blackpool lives with ten of 12 children, some of who have complex and special needs.
“I was told there is a shortage of large affordable houses however I have tried to search privately too and there aren’t any,” Ms. Clarke said. “It makes me really angry that so many large buildings become available and immediately get turned into flats.
“I have known families who because they have eight or less members have been re-housed in weeks if they have an issue.
“I would have to wait years before a few of my children can move out. It’s absolute discrimination, why don’t we matter?”
“This isn’t about benefits as I am up to date with my rent and bills, this is about a safe house where we can sleep at night,” she continued.
“My children have several complex needs and we need a house that meets our needs. We can’t live like this any more.”
The oldest is Catriona, 18 years old, followed by Mackenzie, 16, Kiania 14, Lucius, 12, Jaidan 10, Princess age 7, Lachlan 5, twins Corey and Riley, 4 and Malaki, 15 months old.
Ms. Clarke also has two adult children who do not live with them but they help out their siblings.
The twins have been diagnosed with autism, and Jaden and Lachlan both have learning difficulties.
15-month-old Malaki has started having seizures and he was hospitalized after suffering from an 18-minute episode.
Kiana also has autism, Catriona has anxiety, Mackenzie has behavioral problems, Lucius has severe ADD, and Princess is partially sighted.
Ms. Clarke, who has autism, has severe asthma.
She says the six-bedroom house has several leaks in the middle and top floor which have not been fixed and it has become unbearable.
The mother contacted her local MP Scott Benton for help but believed the only way to be re-housed is to leave Blackpool.
Speaking to Lancs Live, Mr. Benton said: “My office contacted Housing Options at Blackpool council on behalf of Ms Clarke. Unfortunately, Ms Clarke has not yet been placed on a priority list yet due to a backlog caused by assessing cases. We also raised her concerns regarding a leak with Housing Options.
“They offered to contact the landlord, My Blackpool Home, who are also council run to remedy this problem. Sadly Ms Clarke has refused their help and is unwilling to engage with them.
“Housing Options have advised that there is a lack of 6+ bedroom houses in Blackpool, private or social. At no point did my office suggest moving out of Blackpool.”
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