Another wonderfully bright weekday calls for a fabulous challenge that’s sure to get those brain cells working.
The beauty surrounding observation tests has a lot to do with the fact that they appear so simple at first glance but once you actually go about solving it, it’s an absolute brain teaser for many. Keeping that very theme in mind, here is a challenge that’s designed to test the best in terms of vision.
Yes, it’s an observation challenge that’s asking you one simple thing- do you notice the difference?
We must give full credit to the makers and illustrators of this challenge who managed to deceive viewers using the simplest tactics of them all. Both these animated pictures are so similar that we’re sure anyone would think they’re mirror images of one another.
However, that’s far from the truth. One of the pictures holds a secret that’s very distinct from the other. And now, it’s up to you to put those eyes to great use and figure it out!
The biggest hint we can give you is that it’s definitely in there somewhere. But the real question is- can you find it or not?
The tricky picture puzzle
In the image shown above, you’re given a picture puzzle that centers around a popular animated theme.
Now, it’s up to you to figure out what is that one thing that is so different between them.
Come on, we know you got this one in the bag. Just be sure to take a closer look around. This is because it’s definitely there!The correct answer
The right answer is the eyelashes. Look at the eyes carefully and you’ll instantly notice how the pair of eyes in each picture has a different number of eyelashes!
Please do share the article with your friends and loved ones too. After all, sharing is definitely the finest form of caring! Stay tuned for more viral fun as we bring forward more exciting mind challenges for you.