Brain-teasers and riddles on fluid mechanics are always fun to have a try at.
Infamous Twitter user @herbeautyxo wanted to share her fluid puzzle with a caption “Who Get’s The Coffee First?”
If you are used to such questions and solved these types of riddles before it would be easy-peasy… You think. This question has a little twist to it as most responses were incorrect.
The answer is actually pretty simple and takes less than 5 seconds to solve if you have the right eye. Be sure to take a try at it before looking at the answer below.
The riddle is quite simple. There is enough coffee to fill all containers and it will be poured like the picture shows. There are four cups below to gather the coffee.
“Let’s see who’s (sic) brain works. Who gets coffee first?” the Twitter user posted.
The question hit Twitter by storm with more than 2000 retweets and 4500 likes. Many commented to find the answer but failed miserably in the process.
Which cup gets the coffee first?

Source: Twitter
Most people found the 4 would be the first, next 9, 7, and 5 to get the coffee. Think it’s right? Ha You placed the wrong bet!
Some theorized that all the cups would get the coffee at the same time. But this too is completely wrong.
If you still haven’t got it how about you grab a coffee to get some caffeine running through your brain. (Hint) Look closely at the maze rather than the pipes themselves.
The endings of the pipes are the point of the whole trick question. The answer had been there the whole time!
Look closely and you see that only cup number 5 will be able to get the coffee!!
Answer: All other pipes are blocked meaning coffee cannot get through! HA!
In conclusion, the only cup that will be able to get their morning coffee flowing will be cup number five.
Although if you see the maze I’m guessing that will be a lot, I mean a lot of coffee to get just one cup of coffee out of the d**n coffee maze.
Good one though! Props to @herbeautyxo and share with your friends and family to fool them ;)