They say miracles can arise at any given point in time and today just happens to be one of those moments for a cancer survivor.
Shelly Batista says she was diagnosed with the most devastating medical condition after she felt a lump while breastfeeding. She dreaded going to the doctor as she did not wish to hear the painful news of breast cancer.
But sources from local media outlets claim her worst nightmare became true really fast. She was diagnosed with triple-negative breast cancer.
The news was devastating as ever but she was determined to not let that get in the way. She and her husband underwent the necessary treatment to keep that tumor under control. And that meant staying positive no matter how gloomy the end appeared to be.
The problem with her type of cancer was related to the fact that it was easy to spread to other regions. And that meant her reproductive organs were at the most risk. And that’s exactly where the metastasis ended up so doctors were left with no choice but to remove them.
As you can imagine, that must have been so painful and the thought of having more children slowly began to diminish in her mind.
“While we were undergoing some chemotherapy for the cancer treatment, doctors realized that I was suffering from ovary insufficiency. Therefore, on that note, they felt that since my ovaries were not working, I should have them removed. They also removed my fallopian tubes”- she revealed.
Thankfully, Shelly had opted to freeze her embryos. And in the end, it proved to be the best decision for her yet.
While her first two attempts at getting pregnant did not work out in her favor, the last one did. And for that, she couldn’t be more grateful.