I somewhere read “A boss should not work for bringing in the clients, a boss should work for keeping the employees happy and the employees will then bring in the clients on their own.
The key element of running any business is not the clients, it is the employees who are earning for the business in the first place.
It was a surprise for the customers who were waiting at the drive-thru in Ohio, the US, to place their order as they got the message that the entire staff of the burger joint has quit together.
The staff of the joint, ‘Ex-Sonic Crew’ decided to quit altogether as they were completely frustrated because of their management system. They probably would have warned the employer about the mismanagement but that made no change and thus they had to take this serious step.
The staff decided to give the news to their employer by sticking an explosive note on the front door of the restaurant saying that they have resigned due to the extremely poor management.
The restaurant was recently sold to a different owner and as per the staff, the new owner or the company did not care about the employees at all and just cared for their benefits.
The note read “We are sorry for the inconvenience but our team refuses to work for a company that treats their employees like they are shit when they have put everything into their store.”
“We have worked too hard for too long and now we are all off to better things. So the new owners Fuck You! Sincerely, Ex Sonic Crew.”
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