They say looks can kill and this young woman claims that there’s no shame in admitting that money can fix a lot of problems related to your insecurities.
Teased during her childhood by the cruelest bullies imaginable, this young woman has opted to spend nearly $200,000. But she has zero regrets because what she got in return was a look to die for.
The woman explained that people can be super mean during childhood and the jokes they make toward you feel like personal attacks. Calling her a squirrel and making fun of her esthetics really shattered her confidence and self-esteem.
And when she got older, she knew that she had to do something about it. “It was the perfect form of self-revenge. My body needed a transformation and I was willing to pay as much money as I could to attain that”- she continued.
The problem, as per medical experts, is how her jaw was severely underdeveloped. And that gave her a distinct appearance. To help fix it, she needed to fork out a huge sum of money.
And the surgery was nothing simple either. They would need to enhance jaw growth by extracting fat from her stomach and replacing that to allow her jaw to grow.
22-year-old Izzy Sehon who hails from California mentioned how she happened to visit the right surgeon at the right point in her life. She had to do something about a problem that had been lingering for years. And for her, it was high time for a change.
“I knew my jaw was the problem. It just never looked like it was normal. It never really developed”- she continued while claiming how keen she was on changing it.
The change did not come easily. Think along the lines of 12-and-a-half-hour surgery coupled with plenty of rehabilitation and pain and healing aftward. Did we mention how it cost her a staggering $200,000?
Still, the results are a dramatic transformation and today, she says that it was all worth it because the results are better than she had hoped for.