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Abortion Doctor Could Face Death Penalty After Cutting Babies’ Spines With Scissors In Botched Late-Term Abortions

©Associated Press - Yong Kim

Abortion doctor Kermit Gosnell could face the death penalty after being found guilty of killing three babies by cutting their spines with scissors.


Gosnell has been found guilty on three counts of first-degree murder and not guilty on one count of the same charge in connection to four infant deaths that took place at his West Philadelphia clinic years ago before the institution dubbed as ‘house of horrors’ was raided in 2010.

©Associated Press

The doctor, who catered to poor women, performed late-term abortions and was accused of cutting the spines of several babies after they were born alive following botched procedures.

©Associated Press – Yong Kim

As Gosnell’s attorney argued, the doctor injected a heart-stopping drug into the subjects’ hearts to ensure they were born stillborn. Several witnesses, however, suggested that at least three babies were born alive because they performed movements and cries which the defense dismissed as mere spasms.

©Associated Press – Yong Kim

Following ten days of deliberation, the jury found Gosnell guilty of first-degree murder of three out of four infants in the case.


The trial remains ongoing whereas the case is about to move into the sentencing phase shortly. According to the prosecutors, they will push for the death penalty.

©Associated Press – Yong Kim

“Gosnell had a simple solution for the unwanted babies he delivered. … The way he ensured fetal demise was by sticking scissors into the back of the baby’s neck and cutting the spinal cord. He called that ‘snipping,’” the grand jury report read.


According to the report, many of the women who sought help from the disgraced doctor also got infected with STDs as a result of being operated on with contaminated instruments.

Source – Pixabay – Symbolic Photo

Gosnell’s case has sparked major discussions about late-term abortion across the country, whereas pro-life activists questioned how destroying a fetus during late-term pregnancy can be legal while moving the fetus out of the womb and then taking its life is considered murder.


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