Categories: life

Chinlone Playing Myanmar Villagers Show Off Their Impressive Acrobatic Moves

Have you ever played volleyball? Well, we all have played it and we know how much strength and coordination the sport requires.


Now imagine combining volleyball, soccer, and karate together. This would be an incredibly difficult yet fun sport right? Well, in Burma Myanmar they call it Chinlone.


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Yes, there is a real sport that is so incredible and it requires extreme coordination and severe enthusiasm and power to keep playing it.


Chinlone is the national sport of the country and here is a sneak peek of the sport. Look at these villagers who are playing the fabulous sport.


This sport is a mix of acrobatics and teamwork that requires kicking the ball over the net using the foot. Yes, it takes a massive amount of strength to play a chance, let alone the entire match.


The sport that each child in the country plays with a lot of dedication was originated 1500 years ago and since then has been the national sport of the country.


The sport was not originated from a means of exercise or competition but as a means of entertainment for the people and the people are still keeping the same energy alive.



Originally the sport was filled with the Burmese dance steps and martial arts but now over time, the focus has turned to gameplay rather than the traditional style.


The ball used to play the sport is made of handwoven rattan. T

he game almost got evicted from the life of people because of British suppression in the country but since the company gained its freedom in the year 1948, the sport came back in the lives of Burmese and now it is being practiced wholeheartedly.


Chinlone is limited to Myanmar but several other countries have similar games that are played locally and professionally in their respective countries.

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