We women have a very tough life and no matter how much we can deal with it something’s just get on our nerves and some on our feet.
The one thing that is common in all the women around the world is that we all love wearing heels. We cannot wait to wear that new pair we just got to a night out when we clearly know that just in 40 minutes we will not be able to walk because of the hurting.
The result? We end up walking bare feet on the pavement in the cold, getting our feet sore.
Well, a genius had been looking after our massive problem and has created these “Aftersocks” that will protect your feet from cold even when you are not wearing your dazzling heels. Do you know what is the secret? These socks have soles.
You can wear them and walk out of the bar, to the hotdog shack, then to the candy store, then to your cab, and your feet will still be protected.
The product is enlisted on Kickstarter and has already received a massive response as it is 568% funded already, raising over £27,000.
The products are developed using nylon and cotton with a PVC sole and the best part is, you can hold it up and fit it into the tiniest pouch you have and you will be good to rule the party.
And, the style statement that you never wish to compromise on is kept intact too as the socks are available in three colors that are black, gold, and silver. They will be available in three sizes, small, medium and large.
The product will remain on the Kickstarter for 12 more days before it comes out in the market. One it will be launched for sale, the product will just come for £14 in a pack of three sets.
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