Categories: life

Airlines Introduced New Booking Feature That Lets You See Where Babies Are Sitting

Many passengers get pretty annoyed when they sit down and discover there is a cute baby staring up at them, ready to vomit and scream during the flight.


But it is also important to remember that it can also be stressful for parents to travel with their little ones.

Japan Airlines introduced a new booking system that allows people to see where babies are sitting. The new feature shows a baby icon where kids or babies are seated, letting you stay as far away as you want.


This will also let parents know that they are surrounded by sympathetic people so they can also feel a bit more comfortable during the flight.


Rahat Ahmed posted on Twitter: “Thank you, @JAL_Official_jp for warnings me about where babies plan to scream and yell during a 13 hour trip. This really ought to be mandatory across the board.

“Please take note, @qatarairways: I had 3 screaming babies next to me on my JFK-DOH flight two weeks ago.”


The JA says in their website: “Passengers traveling with children between 8 days and 2 years old who select their seats on the JAL website will have a child icon displayed on their seats on the seat selection screen.


“This lets other passengers know a child may be sitting there.”

In another tweet, Admed wrote: “1/ Adults can be just as bad as babies. 2/ Empathy is important and every situation is different. 3/ Where babies sit can be one of many indicators that help travelers plan flights.


“Ultimately, there are more important things to worry about.”

One person said: “All these people who can’t stand sitting next to young kids need to get over themselves – try and be considerate and realise that there are worse things in the world than sitting next to a crying child.”


Another wrote: “On my last 9hr flight to Vancouver kids were running along the isles, being loud, kicking seats; sadly parents didn’t do anything about it! Parents, please teach your kids to be considerate of others when they are in a public space! It’s not at home everywhere!!!”


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