Categories: lifenews

Actress Alyssa Milano Says She Loves God Then Quotes Bible To Push Abortion

milano3.png?fit=1024%2C538&ssl=1&strip=all - Actress Alyssa Milano Says She Loves God Then Quotes Bible To Push Abortion

Actress Alyssa Milano is currently leading the charge in opposing pro-life legislation aiming to protect unborn babies.


She wrote a letter signed by 50 Hollywood heavyweights calling for a boycott of the state if the Heartbeat Bill passes.

She expressed her love for God before quoting the Bible hoping to stop the bill from passing and push abortion.

The actress wrote: “I love God. I believe in God.


“But, I don’t believe my personal beliefs of which we can’t confirm should override scientific facts and what we can confirm.”


She ended her post with a Bible verse from the Gospel of John to give abortion another push. Milano wrote: “’If I have told you earthly things and you do not believe, how can you believe if I tell you heavenly things?’ John 3:12.”


As you would expect, Twitter users reacted to her post.

Elisha Krauss of The Daily Wire asked the actress: “So… When does a baby in utero become ‘scientifically’ human enough for you to protect their life?”


Lauren Enriquez asked: “Who wants to tell her that the fact that human life begins at fertilization has been scientific consensus for almost a century?”

‘Relatable’ podcast host Allie Beth Stuckey also replied: “This tweet shows that you have very little knowledge of both theology and science.”


Emily Zanotti of The Daily Wire tweeted: “If these babies aren’t humans, someone should tell them to stop kicking the sh*t out of my bladder.”


Lila Rose of Live Action told the actress: “You don’t have to love God to acknowledge the irrefutable science that a unique, individual human life begins at the moment of conception. But if you love God, then you also will love His children. He’s a father, and every single one of us are created in His image.”


Matt Walsh asked the actress: “Do you think God creates a child in a woman’s womb just so it can be killed, or do you think He might have better plans in mind for it?”


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