Categories: life

Amanda Bynes Sunk into ‘Deep Depression’ After her “She’s The Man” Role

Actress Amanda Bynes starred in the 2006 hit “She’s The Man” and received many accolades from her fans and critics.


The movie showed Amanda dressed as a boy.


However, recently, she has revealed that dressing up as a boy for the movie led her into depression for around six months.


The 32-year-old actress, in her first major interview after her public breakdown in 2014, said that it is the first time she is revealing that her bizarre role in the movie left her with psychological issues.

Paper magazine

She told Paper magazine that she suffered from depression and anxiety issues for around six months because she didn’t like the way she looked when dressed as a boy. She said it is the first time she has admitted this in public.


She’s The Man is a story about a teenage girl posing as a boy so that she could join her college football team.


She also admitted that she faked the symptoms of ADD so that she could get the prescription for Adderall.

She revealed that she abused Adderall just because she read a magazine article where the drug was advertised as the ‘new skinny pill.’


She definitely never liked her appearance and this was the main reason why she quit filming Hall Pass in 2010.

She said that she used to chew down Adderall like a candy as she thought it would have more effect. Then came the scenario where she wasn’t able to remember her lines.


She revealed that the main reason why she opted out of the film was that she looked extremely fat.

She is currently pursuing her degree from Fashion Institute of Design and Merchandising in Los Angeles after that she will embark on a Bachelor’s degree.


She wants to design her own clothing line and is also planning to return to acting.

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