Categories: +AnimaisDaily top 10

“I Am A Wear Wolf!”- Man Spends $20,000 On An ‘Ultra-Realistic’ Animal Costume To Achieve His Dream Of Living Life As A Wild Predator

You may have seen a lot of people go to great extremes to fulfill their fantasies but we bet nothing beats what this man from Japan did.


Think along the lines of paying a staggering $20,000 to appear like the most realistic animal out there today. And we’re talking about a costume that is the exact replica of a real-life werewolf.

Source: Zeppet Workshop

The animal lover friend from Japan says it’s a lifelong dream and so many people can not relate to him. But the fact that he can roam around in a wolf costume that’s really like the real deal has him awestruck.


He claims that money does not matter as much as the experience at the moment, he’s really living his best life in this predator costume.

Source: Zeppet Workshop

While the man has chosen to remain anonymous, he feels that it’s time he let the world know that it was indeed him who requested one Japanese firm to do the honors of making a costume as real in design as the one he wears today.


Therefore, a special request was sent out to the Japanese firm Zeppet which specializes in this matter. And the final product is that they made this man more than happy and now, he’s being known by a new identity.

Source: Zeppet Workshop

The company has been hailed for its incredible design that truly does look so life-life. They say it took them nearly 50 days to get the product done and the hard work with exceptional attention to detail is visible as it’s hard for anyone to tell that it’s fake.

Source: Daily Mail

The company further went on to detail about how they really worked hard to enhance the fluffiness of the dog’s costume. In addition to that, they’ve even added a few special effects that allow for the dog’s mouth to open and close.