Categories: Entertainmentlife

101 And Counting! Anne Douglas Celebrated Her Birthday With A Car Procession

Anne Douglas, the wife of the film industry legend Kirk Douglas, was spotted celebrating her 101st birthday months after her husband’s passing.


Snaps of the celebration were shared by Cameron Douglas, the centenarian’s grandson, who drove by Anne’s home in his Jaguar to take part in the car parade.

©Cameron Douglas – Instagram

“Here we are. Coming to Anne’s 101st birthday without Pappy. Now stay with us as we go into this amazing procession,” Cameron said in a video he shared on Instagram.


“Now we’ve been on line for about 20-30 minutes I’d wait 20 or 30 hours to say happy birthday to Anne. So here we go, thank you very much.”

©Cameron Douglas – Instagram

As seen in the video, Cameron attended the birthday ‘party’ together with his partner, Viviane Thibes, and their 2-year-old daughter, Lua.


As he was addressing his grandmother from his car, in accordance with social distancing rules, several healthcare workers were spotted in the 101-year-old’s presence.

©Cameron Douglas – Instagram

One member of the team also picked up flowers that the actor had bought for his grandma before taking the bouquet to Anne.

©Cameron Douglas – Instagram

Meanwhile, both Michael Douglas, Anne’s stepson, and his wife, Catherine Zeta Jones, greeted the 101-year-old a happy birthday on Instagram.


“Happy birthday Anne Douglas! The best stepmother a stepson could hope for!” the 75-year-old actor wrote.

©Cameron Douglas – Instagram

“Happy Birthday to my extraordinary stepmother in Law. Our Queen, our Oma. You personify everything that is good in a woman. I admire you and love you so very much,” Catherine expressed.


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