Recently a new law passed in a few states of the US has taken the world by a surprise and shock.
Yes, the new law that restricts a woman to have the right on her own body.
The new law makes abortion illegal which means, a woman has no right to chose if she wishes to nurture a child that is a part of her body or not, and law, that does not really have any right over the life of that particular woman is allowed to make the decision for her body.
This is offending millions in the US as well as around the world.
It is said that a woman can only understand the pain of another woman but it looks like, a woman here became the cause of pain to hundreds and thousands of other women.
To present her views on the topic Anne Hathaway came to Instagram and shared a picture with the caption stating that yes, the idea of the new law is given out by men, white men, but unfortunately, the two people who passed the law and signed it to introduce it were both women, White women.
This is not just shocking but highly disappointing. She said that the law is not only going to restrict the right of a woman over her body but it will also increasing numbers of death in women who belong to the minority classes.
She wrote that poor woman and/or black women are going to be highly suffered by the law. Definitely, the number of deaths will rise in the women of the minority because that will be the only option left for them to deal with things.
In an attempt to make people aware and rebellious against it she wrote: “Speak up, don’t give up, show up, we need this.”
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