Categories: life

Couple Opened Their Home To Over 1,000 Troubled Teens, But Have No Clue They Came Back For The Ultimate Surprise

For the past 30 years, Anne and Terry Panks kindly opened their home to over 1,000 troubled boys and girls.


Eventually their home became a charity house named Copperdale Trust.

All the way back in the year 1980 the couple began to share their home in Britian with young criminal offenders who needed a warm bed, but most importantly, a second chance. Ever since then they’ve continued to help anyone who needed it.


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Over the years their home housed up to as many as ten young single men who needed help with their fresh start on the world. The children would also have help finding training and employment. The house also features its very own IT suite, and a professional gym and martial arts facility. Any child that comes to the Copperdale Trust is given whatever tools they need to succeed, truly giving them a second chance at life.


It was in 2012 when their community and country finally paid back the favor. Anne and Terry Panks were given the Pride of Britain award to thank them for their hardwork and endless support for those in need. Even now, Anne is still running the Copperdale Trust, in her 80s. Their passion to help knows no bounds.

Anne and Terry accepting their Pride of Britain award. Image via Pride Of Britain

The children at the Copperdale Trust are given as long they need to brush up on important life skills and finally become independent. For some, this can take a couple of months, for others it can take years. They are all proudly accepted with open arms at the Copperdale Trust.


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To celebrate over 30 years of hardwork, the folks at Morrison’s supermarket chain decided to throw a huge surprise for Anne and Terry. The plan was that it would be a surprise party, but the guests would include some of the children they’ve helped over the 30 years. Many have grown up and changed their lives for the better. Some of the attendees haven’t seen Terry and Anne for several years. It was the perfect surprise.


They even had the perfect cover. Anne and Terry were under the impression that they were going to meet a reporter from The Sun newspaper, but what was waiting behind the door was a community center full of people thanking them for their incredible work.

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Terry and Anne posing with their award.point 133 | Image via Pride Of Britain

Their reaction is absolutely priceless and is truly fitting for a couple that has sacrificed so much to help change the lives of so many.point 321 |


In attendance at the party were over 60 formal foster children.point 53 | Anne and Terry were absolutely thrilled to see them again.point 102 | Some of the foster children haven’t seen the couple since they said goodbye to the Copperdale Trust years ago.point 200 | 1

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Be sure to watch the surprise below!

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