Categories: Healthlifenews

AOC Receives Pfizer Vaccine And Shares The Moment With Her Followers

Rep Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez shared the moment she received the Pfizer vaccine with her followers on Instagram.


The 31-year-old posted a series of clips when the vaccine was offered not only to her but also to other members of the Congress.

AOC also urged her followers to follow suit, writing: “Just like wearing a mask, I’d never advise you to do something I wasn’t willing to do myself.”


Ocasio-Cortez showed the moment she arrived for her vaccine appointment and a clip of the jab, explaining that the vaccine includes two rounds before immunity starts.


“After you get the shot, they seat us in a room… for 15 minutes just to make sure we’re good,” she wrote.


She then posted a photo of her sitting in a room with other lawmakers who also received the vaccine.


“Sometimes people get headaches or dizziness in general or seeing blood, etc, so it’s just a precaution. No problems today!” she added.


But the New York socialist faced backlash from critics who argued that it was unfair for lawmakers to get the jab first before healthcare workers.


One person asked: “@aoc, as a young person, how do you justify getting the vaccine ahead of front line workers and the elderly that live in your district?”


Another wrote: “I heard what @AOC said about continuity of government etc. in vaccine distribution and I still think it’s positively obscene that politicians who denied and downplayed the severity of it are getting the shot before frontline healthcare professionals. Disgusted.”


A third said “Can I ask why all the politicians are getting access to the vaccine while all the healthcare workers haven’t yet? Considering there is only enough for 50 million in our giant population, first responders should take priority.”


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