Categories: EntertainmentQuiz

Are You Smart Enough To Solve This Brain-Teaser That’s Baffling Many Others?

Here’s a riddle that is slowly but surely plunging the internet into confusion.


Who doesn’t love a good challenge, especially one that allows you to compete with others seamlessly? Whether it’s a logic riddle or a math-based challenge, one thing is for sure. We love going out of our way to put an end to the suspicion that comes attached with glories like these.


While this particular managed to strike with so many audience members around the world, one thing is for sure. It continues to pop up, day in and day out, making so many curious puzzles wonder what could the right answer really be.

Source: Master Class

Today, we are daring all of you to push your limits and go out of your way to figure out this mind-boggling ordeal. So, are you willing to move ahead with a little help from our side or not?


In case you happened to answer yes to that question, we’ve got some great news for you. Getting to the bottom of a puzzling challenge like this can only mean one thing. You have the skills to work your way around ridding away all that confusion that surrounds you. And nothing makes us happier than seeing you perform at the top of your game.

Source: The Economic Times

Today’s mind-boggling riddle

It’s time to put those thinking caps and figure out the right solution. We know you can do it. All you require is a little kick starting motivation. So, what are you waiting for? Let’s see what today’s challenge has in store.


Alright, first things first. Let’s read what’s written.

Source: Brightside

Now that you’ve completed step one, it’s time to set up the timer for 10 seconds and see whether or not you can do it? Remember, it’s better to think right than worry about time.


The correct answer

We know you’re just as curious as us in terms of figuring out the right answer. Let’s have a look!

Source: 99 Designs

The right answer is to drive in a perpendicular direction with respect to the direction of the tornado! 


Did your answer match ours or not?