Categories: EntertainmentQuiz

Tricky Challenge | Are You Smart Enough To Solve This Puzzle?

Here’s a worthwhile quiz for your brain that truly proves how much effort goes into thinking and solving riddles correctly.


Whether you agree with us or not, one thing is for sure, riddles are definitely not everyone’s cup of tea in terms of solving capabilities. Firstly, you’ve got the super-smart bunch of the group who can’t help but force themselves to sit still in one place.

point 0 |
Source: Women Now

Next, you’ve got those who love to entertain themselves and hence would do anything for a little laughter and fun.point 216 |


Last but not least, there are those that simply can’t get over the fact that puzzles could be tricky too.point 92 | And that’s probably why they don’t even make an attempt to think fast or make worthwhile use of those brain cells.point 198 | 1

Always remember that the brain is just as important as every other muscle in your body. And that means it requires its fair share of love, nurturing, and care. Hence, what better way to make better or more productive use of your time than this?

Source: The Steve Agency

Let’s get on board and solve this quiz with full determination because all it needs is a little extra effort and love! Good luck!


Today’s mind-teasing IQ test

We’re not attaching a time limit with this one. In fact, we’re making sure this IQ test allows you to move forward with a puzzle that allows you to focus on the picture in question, followed by a little out-of-the-box thinking.

Source: Wakeupyourmind

Critical skills and logic need to be on display today so what are you waiting for! Make a move for it and let us know how you did in the comments section! Happy solving!


The right answer

It’s finally time for the solution! Do you think your solution is similar to ours or not? Well, there’s only one real way to figure that out.

Source: Survicate

The right answer is the 29th. And that’s because the pond is half full, the day before it’s completely full. 


How close were you to figuring out that answer?