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This Man Traveled Around The World In 80 HOURS For Less Than $4,500 In First Class


Everyone is familiar with the Jules Verne classic, “Around The World In 80 Days,” that tells the story of a wealthy British gentleman Phileas Fogg who got into an argument with his friends at the Reform Club over a Daily Telegraph article that claimed it was now possible to travel the world in 80 days because of a new railway section that had opened up in India.


A wager was set up [money] that Phileas would win only if he made it back to the club after circumventing the world in 80 days.

Watch his travel story below.

[rumble video_id=v5rhfr domain_id=u7nb2]

Video credit: Rumble

While that was a work of fiction, one savvy traveler managed to complete the feat in 80 hours thanks to air travel and quite a bit of slick planning.

Caters News

Noel Phillips, 38, loves to fly and takes plane trips frequently. He started his trip from the Prime Meridian in Greenwich, London, at 9 am on May 10 and set himself up for the challenge of being back at the same spot 80 hours later, after having traveled the entire world.


From London, his unusual journey took him through Kuwait, Delhi and Ahmedabad, Singapore, and finally, Los Angeles, before heading back to Heathrow.

With such a complicated and tight schedule, it was inevitable that there would be some hiccups along the way. But with a grim determination that included riding on the back of a motorcycle from Heathrow to the finish line, Noel completed the challenge with six minutes to spare.


Noel, a content creator, said: “I am a massive travel fan and love to take crazy trips to see just where you can get to in a short period of time.

“I find it incredible that just 100 years ago it would have taken weeks to undertake a journey like this, yet today you can do it in just a single weekend!”

Caters News

Although the trip itself only lasted 80 hours, the project was several months in the making. But what’s even more shocking is the fact that he managed to keep costs to within £3,500, around $4,500, (in first class!) through some savvy bargain hunting for airfare deals.


The time-constrained trip was a mixture of exciting highs and harrowing lows.

Noel said: “The trip was a strange mix of great pleasure and major low points. Flying on some of the world’s best airlines was a highlight. The hard parts included nearly getting robbed in India and being dragged out of a fake taxi by a security guard.


“When I completed the journey, I felt a mixture of elation and exhaustion! It felt incredible to have achieved my mission and got back to Greenwich with just a few minutes to spare. It was fantastic to get into my own bed though!”

