Categories: Familylife

Ashley Graham Captured Breastfeeding Her Son Isaac In A Photo For Vogue

Ashley Graham is staying safe at her farm in Nebraska with her family during the coronavirus situation.


She has recently shared glimpses of her life in quarantine with Vogue.

These photos are a part of Vogue’s Postcards From Home project in which celebrities are documenting their stay-at-home lives during the on-going lockdown.

Ashley shared a photo of herself breastfeeding her three-month-old son Isaac from her family’s farm in Nebraska.


“My husband, Justin, my son, and I have been out here on my aunt’s farm,” she said. “Being here means so much to me. This is where I would come every summer to see my family and be with my cousins.”

Ashley, who had been in Nebraska since March, also dispensed some advice on how to make life indoors interesting.


“The most important thing has been remembering to ‘fear not.’ Turn your TV off, get off social media, and remember not just to think positively, but to speak it, too,” she told Vogue.


Ashley, who hosts the TV show ‘Pretty Big Deal,’ recently shared a cute video of her son, urging people to follow the instructions from their respective governments regarding lockdown and social distancing.

“#IStayHomeFor my son, my family, my neighbors, and YOU. We’re all being called on in different ways during this difficult time, and I also stay home for those who can’t,” Ashley captioned her Insta post in March in which she added the location of Lincoln, Nebraska.


The model also emphasized on how we all should be thankful to medics and other paramedic staff who have been fighting corona on the front lines.

“For those who will continue to care for us around the clock: our doctors, nurses, grocery clerks, overnight stockers, waste removal teams, doctors, and scientists. I am feeling immense gratitude and appreciation for all of you and believe that we all need to do what we can to #flattenthecurve,” she added.


“Please during this time let’s treat each other with kindness; leave diapers and toilet paper on the shelves for others, help an elderly neighbor get groceries, support small businesses, call a friend who might be struggling right now. We need each other during times like these,” she continued.


In another post, shared in March, the model was seen with her son.

She captioned the selfie, saying: “The times we are in feel surreal and have put everything into perspective. I’m using this time to appreciate the family time I get to enjoy with Justin and Issac.”


Ashley added how we shouldn’t forget to take care of our mental health since living in a lockdown can have adverse psychological impacts.

She continued: “But we have to acknowledge that it’s a big adjustment to stay inside all day, so remember to also check in and take care of your mental health. Though the times are tough I choose to hold on to comfort given in the eternal command, ‘Fear not.’


“I have faith for the now and faith for the future.


“As we know faith without the necessary work behind it doesn’t mean much. I believe it’s important for us to remain positive, level-headed, calm, and to continue to support each other.”


Ashley advised that those who are healthy and young need to practice social distancing to help elderly people with compromised immunity.

She said that the ones who are forced to work during these perilous times must be appreciated. She concluded her post saying that we all need to take care of one another to emerge through this disaster.



