Categories: Foodlife

Avoid Eating These Foods If You Are Over 30 Years Old

We all need food to survive, and it is the fuel for our body, and after we cross our 30- the body needs good fuel.


Therefore, we should need to pay more attention to our health and should make a conscious choice about what we are eating to have better joints, heart, waistline, and wrinkle factor going forward.

The genes of humans live the same for thousands of years; only lifestyle changes. And this makes all the difference. What you put in your body is the main reason for your health.


Below are the foods you should avoid after age 30.

1. Alcohol

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Alcohol is full of calories. After 30+ its very difficult for your body to burn them off, those extra calories feed the beer gut. Also, beer increase insulin levels, which is very harmful to the body.


2. Artificial Sweeteners

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Artificial sugars do not provide calories, and your bodies cannot regulate hunger. Artificial sweeteners cause cancer. Using artificial sweeteners may lead to elevated glucose levels and poor insulin response. It can cause you to metabolic syndrome, fat storage, cardiovascular disease, and type 2 diabetes.


3. Caffeine

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Besides, giving the calories to your body, the most important harm is from caffeine’s effect on sleep quality.point 216 |


 Having too much caffeine can give you aging earlier because you are not allowing your body to rest.point 84 | Also, just like alcohol, too much caffeine can lead to carb cravings.point 142 | And for your information, sneaky carb carvings pack on the pounds.point 198 | point 198 | 1

4. Flavored Yogurt

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If you love to eat fruits and yogurt, then it is good you should buy fresh fruits and mix it with fresh yogurt.point 200 | Flavored yogurts have too much added sugar.point 237 |


 Just a small 8-ounce serving of flavored yogurt contains as many as 47 grams of sugar.point 73 | The American Heart Association suggests 25 grams for women and 38 grams for men should be the amount of added sugar a day.point 173 | point 173 | 1

5. Milk

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Dairy products are highly acidic and you should avoid it,” according to Dr. Gioffre. Milk is pasteurized and homogenized, it kills most of the nutrients along with any bad bacteria. Therefore, you don’t need it.


6. Soda

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Soda is really harmful to your body as it contains high fructose corn syrup. According to Dr. Gioffre, author of getting OFF YOUR ACID and celebrity nutritionist, “It is the most dangerous because it goes directly to the liver, and it is stored as fat.”


Also, it creates resistance to leptin, it is a hormone that decreases your appetite. This is the main reason for fat gain in people.

7. White Flour

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Your body converts white flour into glucose. Glucose stored as fat very easily. White flour is refined of all the good stuff such as fiber. Whole grains get slowly digested, and will, therefore, keeps you stay full longer.



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