Categories: life

Baby Boy Born Inside Amniotic Sac in China

Often C-section pregnancy witnesses some issues during the delivery.


Recently, a rare case of cesarean section happened in Fuzhou, Fujian, East China, where a child was born inside his amniotic sac.

The amniotic sac is a fluid-filled sac where the fetus resides and grows into a baby inside the mother’s womb.


A woman went through the cesarean section at 36 weeks and gave birth to a little boy who was born inside the amniotic sac. The boy weighed around 2.5 kg, and he wasn’t breathing for the two minutes after the delivery.


Doctors cut open the amniotic sac to bring out the baby and provide him with oxygen.

The medical personnel at Fujian Maternity And Child Health Care Hospital stated that it was a sensitive case, and they had to perform the C-section with the baby still in the amniotic sac.


The 36-year-old mother was admitted to the hospital earlier following abdominal pain and bleeding. One of the doctors at the hospital said, babies generally cry when they come out of their mother’s womb as they get introduced to a new world.


When the boy was born still in the amniotic sac wasn’t crying because, for him, he was protected inside his mother’s womb. The doctor cut the amniotic sac and cleared the fluid, and that’s when the baby boy cried his heart out.


The boy was conceived through IVF treatment, and weeks before his mother’s due date, she experienced extreme abdominal pain and bleeding that made doctors perform immediate c-section.


After diagnosing her mother’s condition, doctors realized that the baby was in a breech position, which means he would be born bottom first that would have made things much more complicated. Hence, doctors decided to perform a C-section with the permission of both the parent.


After hours of care and treatment, the baby boy was handed over to his parents in a healthy condition.

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