Categories: FamilyHealth

2-Month-Old Baby Goes Into Cardiac Arrest, Employees At Car Dealership Spring Into Action

A 2-month-old baby girl was with her mother, Courtney Gentry, at the Briggs Kia dealership in Topeka, Kansas when she suddenly went into cardiac arrest.


Gentry took baby Oakley into the car to feed her while Jake Rosebrough, her fiance, finished up some paperwork on a car purchase.

After taking Oakley into her car seat, Gentry sat down in the driver’s seat. She suddenly heard strange gurgling sounds coming from her baby’s small body.


Gentry immediately checked on her little one and was horrified to see that Oakley’s face was purple. Her baby also couldn’t breathe properly.


Josh Kennedy, one of the salespersons at the Kia dealership, recalled the moment that Gentry frantically ran inside.

“The mother came running inside screaming, ‘My baby, my baby!’ And natural instinct just kinda hopped in,” Kennedy said to WIBW-TV.


Kegann Gideon, the receptionist, laid the baby down on a table and started performing CPR. “She was not breathing,” he expressed. “And there wasn’t a pulse either.”


They continually checked on Oakley’s pulse and prayed that she would be okay.

Gentry said: “All I kept thinking was, ‘I cannot lose her.’”


Oakley was rushed to a hospital and underwent numerous tests. She was eventually diagnosed with Tachyarrhythmia Ventricular Fibrillation, a rare heart condition that caused her to experience cardiac arrest.

“What they think was going on was she was born with ventricular fibrillation which is V-Fib, and it’s a rare life-threatening heart-rhythm that caused the heart to have a rapid misfiring heartbeat,” Gentry said.


“Her beats could go almost upward of 250 beats-per-minute. She went into cardiac arrest at the dealership.”

Gentry is very thankful for the employees who helped save her baby’s life. “I couldn’t have been more thankful that we were still there, because if it had been just seconds longer we would’ve been leaving,” she expressed.


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